
I received the wonderful news this week that one of my poems submitted to Spirit Lake Literary Review is being published in their spring edition. I wanted to share it here as well. I have had other items publishes but they were music profiles/bios on bands/musicians for an online magazine and poetry, for me, is much more personal. To think of my words, stemming from a vulnerable and personal place for me, put in actual print, is so exciting for me. I am hoping they use the photo I took and submitted along with the poem.

Solitary Angel

I perch
Like a seraphim
On the edge of
The whirlwind
Where there is peace
Along with a sense of not belonging
Is a longing to connect
Sometimes I dip my toe
Into the maelstrom
To touch the chaos
I feel the current
And it wants to pull me in
I know what comes with it
Humanity at its worst
Stealing your energy
Your heart
So I recoil
Back to my perch
Within myself
Where there is peace
On the edge